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No.24 : Anonymous Stalker [08/10/15(Wed)19:20] [Report] 1224123644688.jpg (40634 B, 328x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
40634 B

CUTE SOCKS post some and links to sites you can buy them at


No.25 : 33 #gvkJWWFYzQ [08/10/18(Sat)12:34] [Report] 1224358465341.jpg (63175 B, 470x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.26 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [08/10/19(Sun)06:43] [Report] 1224423827029.jpg (77579 B, 465x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
77579 B

Steve Madden, over-knee with lace ruffle.
I had a pair of these when I was like 12 or so and they were SO FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE. My toes were constricted and freezing from poor circulation.

No.27 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [08/10/19(Sun)06:45] [Report] 1224423955240.jpg (59035 B, 500x365) [YIS] [GIS] []
59035 B

;_; I'm so weird
but they look warm
these are from

No.28 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [08/10/19(Sun)06:47] [Report] 1224424028270.jpg (56387 B, 243x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
56387 B

chinese laundry

No.29 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [08/10/19(Sun)06:47] [Report] 1224424061962.jpg (55152 B, 222x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
55152 B

Ozone (you can get them at joyofsocks)

No.30 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [08/10/19(Sun)07:02] [Report] 1224424950712.png (1732517 B, 868x498) [YIS] [GIS] []
1732517 B

patterns of tights from joyofsocks

No.31 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [08/10/19(Sun)07:09] [Report] 1224425342065.png (1612481 B, 803x501) [YIS] [GIS] []
1612481 B

and more tights. they have tons.

No.32 : nynnie #d24hm37my6 [08/10/19(Sun)07:17] [Report] 1224425838332.jpg (31486 B, 296x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
31486 B

yep, need these

No.83 : Anonymous Stalker [08/11/23(Sun)02:32] [Report] []

No.88 : 33 #gvkJWWFYzQ [08/11/29(Sat)17:12] [Report] 1228007543048.jpg (56767 B, 440x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.94 : Anonymous Stalker [08/12/11(Thu)05:57] [Report] 1229003852879.jpg (185780 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.97 : 33☯ [08/12/15(Mon)14:17] [Report] 1229379461345.jpg (347985 B, 940x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.98 : 33☯ [08/12/15(Mon)14:18] [Report] 1229379483411.jpg (117174 B, 600x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.107 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/01(Thu)13:08] [Report] []


No.108 : 33☯ [09/01/02(Fri)21:41] [Report] []

>>107 No

No.113 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/03(Sat)14:51] [Report] []

Why not?

No.114 : 33☯ [09/01/03(Sat)23:34] [Report] []

>>113 Other pants

No.117 : Anonymous Stalker [09/01/04(Sun)12:42] [Report] []

? lol x.x

No.128 : Togepi [09/01/11(Sun)12:54] [Report] 1231707292283.jpg (95032 B, 300x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
95032 B

The motherland of all socks. :)

Also, the mall. Generally in at least one store, you can find pretty cute stuff as far as feet are concerned.

No.145 : snail [09/01/20(Tue)20:30] [Report] []

i want these sooo hard


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